Kobe is well known, the world over, for it’s amazing beef… amongst other thing. Here are 10 fun things to get up to in Kobe!

10 Things To Do In Kobe, Japan

How cute is that animation???

I found this on a blog I’m now totally obsessed with called Japan Lover and if you’re in even the slightest bit taken by image above, you’re gonna fall in deep love with their blog! 🙂 The blog address is www.japanlover.me and their instagram has even more Japanese cuteness overload!

This is a series of 7. I was gonna put them all in one blog post but I had no idea what I would title the blog post as (it would have been so confusing) so they’re all in their own dedicated posts. 🙂 Check out the other 6 below –

  1. Kyoto
  2. Hokkaido
  3. Shinjuku
  4. Chiba
  5. Osaka
  6. Harajuku

The animator of these also has a Tumblr page here. This post here is my absolute favourite so far…


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