The day was a particularly hot day in Singapore… perhaps no hotter than average but when you’re still getting used to the heat and have been walking around in the heat, it starts to get pretty uncomfortable.

Originally, we were looking for a beach but after getting lost in our search for the beach, we happened upon the sign for Universal Studios and my memory of getting particularly wet on the Jurassic Park ride in Universal Studios in Orlando (Florida) served me with enough motivation for me to suggest going into the park for a nice cool off.

HUGE TIP: Try to get queue jumps with your tickets, there can be a lot of queuing for rides in any theme park and if you get queue jump tickets/passes, you’re giving yourself more opportunity to get the most out of your time.

The only downside is that you might feel a bit guilty whizzing past everyone else queuing but oh well…

Okay, enough explanations, here are the pictures. Let’s go explore Universal Studios together!

Universal Studios, Singapore

Universal Studios, Singapore (1) Universal Studios, Singapore (2)Universal Studios, Singapore (3)Universal Studios, Singapore (4) Universal Studios, Singapore (5) Universal Studios, Singapore (6) Universal Studios, Singapore (7) Universal Studios, Singapore (8) Universal Studios, Singapore (9) Universal Studios, Singapore (10) Universal Studios, Singapore (11) Universal Studios, Singapore (12) Universal Studios, Singapore (13) Universal Studios, Singapore (14) Universal Studios, Singapore (15) Universal Studios, Singapore (16) Universal Studios, Singapore (17) Universal Studios, Singapore (18) Universal Studios, Singapore (19) Universal Studios, Singapore (20) Universal Studios, Singapore (21) Universal Studios, Singapore (22) Universal Studios, Singapore (23)


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