I’m just gonna jump right into this one!

First off, dump all your things at your hotel/hostel/flat/friend’s flat and head on out to the city. It’s best to do this on foot however if you’re not close the city centre, hop aboard a tram and head on it.

Great, now that you’re in the city centre, do some walking around to explore the city on foot! This is the appropriate time to ‘get lost’ in the city. It’s fairly safe so feel free to wander without the restrictions of constantly checking a map.

Things To Do On A Weekend In Amsterdam! (1) Things To Do On A Weekend In Amsterdam! (2) Things To Do On A Weekend In Amsterdam! (3) Things To Do On A Weekend In Amsterdam! (4)

Give your feet a rest after a while and hop aboard a canal boat for a tour around the city! This is easily the best way to get most of the sights in one quick swoop! Amsterdam is after all a city for so much more than sight seeing, it’s a truly ‘interactive’ city so you wanna get the obvious sightseeing stuff out of the way so you can go mingle with the locals and explore it in more depth!

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Make sure you have your camera packed! 😉

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Next up, sight seeing done, time for some food, a tipple or two and quite frankly, some ridiculous photos (with random balloons handed out by strangers in a branded uniform – most likely for kids but that’s neither here nor there…)

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The next day, spend some time exploring some of Amsterdam’s parks! They’re huge and lush. I highly recommend Vondelpark!

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Careful not to get too close to the bees! Okay, maybe get close enough to get a sneaky photo…

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Perhaps don’t interrupt Osadebay while he’s having a Bloody Mary… 🙂

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Do some bird watching perhaps? I honestly have no idea what bird that is below. Looks like a duck so I’m gonna call it a duck. (Or is it a migratory goose? So many doubts…)

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Followed the park relaxation time by some arts and culture at the Rijksmuseum (but not before taking a few selfies of course preferably jumping higher than a billy-goat)

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Things To Do On A Weekend In Amsterdam! (31)

Grab a bite to eat once you’re done with ‘museum-ing’ and …er … take photos of your shoes? *scratches head* Not sure why that photo seemed apt but after all the walking we did, I guess it does deserve to be paid some homage!

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Finally, head back to your hotel, bidding a kind farewell to Amsterdam with a light promise of heading back there again sometime soon…

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12 Very Best Things To Do In Amsterdam

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