We’re going skiing!!! And yes – you read that right! 🙂 We’re off skiing in Austria very soon and I’m particularly excited about this.

Well, my friends (also known as, my enablers) recently suggested going skiing and within a few hours of toying with the idea, plans were made and bookings confirmed!

So here’s where I confess – actually, it’s not much of a confession because I think I already told you that I’ve never been skiing before. In addition to that, however, I’ve never been to Austria before so it’s gonna be my first time doing both!

Unlike most holidays though, skiing holidays appear to require a bit more mandatory stuff than say a trip to Morocco or a weekend in Vegas. There’s all that gear you have to rent, buy, beg for, borrow or steal.

Thankfully, after a lot of research (i.e. drinking prosecco with friends while they try to terrify you with their skiing stories) and some more sober internet search (combined with speaking to experts in outdoors shops)

I’ve put together a complete list of the essential items you (and I) need for skiing holidays. Let’s run through them, shall we?

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1.) Goggles

2.) Helmets

3.) Thermal Pants

4.) Ski Socks

5.) Ski Pants

6.) Thermal Tops

7.) Ski Gloves

8.) Neck Gator

9.) Sunscreen

10.) Beanie

11.) Rucksack

12.) Ski Jacket

13.) Fleece


13.) Ski Sticks

14.) Ski Shoes

15.) Skis

16.) Hand Warmers

So that covers it! These are the items I’ve gleaned are essential for a skiing trip. Of course, I’m taking it for granted that you already know to pack the obvious stuff like your passport, clothes, toiletries…etc hence why I’m not mentioning them (they’re more general stuff that you need on any holiday and not ski holiday specific).

Is there anything else you would add to the list? Also, got any tips and tricks for us to use when we hit the ski slopes? 

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