We arrived in the evening and made a beeline straight for our abode for the night  – the Cornarro Hotel. The location of this hotel, by the way, is perfect for a trip to Split as it’s a short walk from the major sights in the city!

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We were welcomed with sweet and a bottle of Croatian wine! (These people know me too well!) 24 Hours In Split, Croatia... (6)

After dropping our stuff off in our rooms, we made it downstairs for dinner which I assumed I had photos of but can’t seem to find at the moment. In any case, it was one of those dinner where you surprise yourself by how much you can eat!

Oh and I almost forgot to mention! Each person gets an iPad when they check in to help you plan activities, reconnect with the world and make the most of your time in Split!

The next day, we actually spent most of the morning in Solta Island before returning to Split in the afternoon… Oh by the way, we were joined by James on this trip! We actually met him the night before for the first time and he’s one of the most happy go lucky fella’s I’ve ever met!

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Seeing the city of Split meant pretty much one thing, forget about maps and just ‘get lost in the streets’…

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It took so much will power not to wheel out one of these barrels in this store to take home with me!

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The rustic nature of this city is definitely one of it’s biggest appeal. Beneath the ‘rustic-ness’ lies this astonishing history of the amazing people of Dalmatia…

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We made our way slowly towards Diocletian’s Palace (which you can read more of in this post here)…

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All the while making the most of the sights of course. And for some reason, at this stage, (probably due to the fantastic weather), I just couldn’t get the thought of ice cream out of my mind! I was so intent on finding some until we arrived at the entrance of Diocletian’s palace of course and all thoughts of ice cream disappeared, replaced by amazement of the absolutely grandeur and beauty of the palace.

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The seafront by the way is absolutely fantastic to hang out for a drink or two while the sun sets. I wish we had longer to stay in Split so we could make more of the night life but alas, we had quite an early start the next day so that wasn’t gonna be happening! That being said, I guess I have a reason to head back soon as drag all our friends along with us!

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Okay, the Dalmatian dogs originate from Dalmatia and yet oddly enough, this was the only one I’d seen so far! I had to stop and take a photo of it – I later found out that everybody has the same reaction when they see this dog and as it’s perhaps one of the only ones in the city, it does get quite a lot of attention! The owner is very obliging apparently and even has 2nd-hand fame from the dog! 🙂

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We ventured into a jewellery shop which, as it turns out, is the oldest family own business here. The pendants for the necklaces used to be the designs for the buttons on men’s jackets back in the day and are all handmade.

Random fact: Did you know the Cravat was invented in Croatia? Well now you do. And you’ve got yourself something authentic to add to your souvenir shopping list when you do visit!

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We watched the current generation of jeweller get to work on creating these unique pieces of intricate jewellery!

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Some of them are so tiny that I have no idea how they can create something so precise! It’s absolutely astounding!

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Finally, we decided to head out and see more of the city…

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We bumped into our friendly dalmatian again! I’m sure I must have looked like a stalker at this point but it was a coincidence – honest! 🙂

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Finally we made our way over to dinner where we had a typical Croatian spread! Even the starters here are enough to serve as a main meal in most places – needless to say, I’m a huge fan of the portions here!24 Hours In Split, Croatia... (45) 24 Hours In Split, Croatia... (46) 24 Hours In Split, Croatia... (47) 24 Hours In Split, Croatia... (48) 24 Hours In Split, Croatia... (49)

And best part – I got my ice cream in the end! 😉

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11 Beautiful Croatian Towns And Cities To Visit

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