We arrived late in the evening in Milan for our trip across Italy.

Thankfully, we didn’t have much planned for the first evening asides meeting the organisers of the rickshaw tour and other participants over drinks and nibbles so the evening went by in a rather relaxed fashion… (prosecco will do that to you).

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (1)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (2)

The next morning, we got up bright and early (a little too early perhaps) to get ready to pick up our rickshaw. 

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (5)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (6)

Before long, espressos were had, pastries greedily munched through and we went off to pick up our rickshaw. Our rickshaw is named Bee Beep in a perhaps not the most obvious of ways.

Apparently, rickshaw in Italian is ‘Ape’ and ‘Ape’ translated from Italian to English is ‘Bee’ ergo… Not that it mattered anyway! I loved the name pretty much straight away!

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (7)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (8)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (9)

As you can probably tell, there’s not much space in the rickshaw for luggage so an aptly packed backpack was a must!

Also, if you were wondering who the guy in the middle is, that’s Gabriele Saluci an Italian vlogger. He’s one of the craziest and funniest Italian guys I’ve met and is instantly likeable.

He was amazing to have on this trip… and he speaks Italian which was such a great bonus to have.

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (10)

Rickshaw picked up, I decided I wanted to pop in quickly to Milan before starting off our journey.

There’s no point beating around this bush here. Driving in Milan was a first time experience for all of us and although the rickshaw lets you go to places you perhaps wouldn’t have been able to with a car, we still managed to get lost and spend almost an hour driving aimlessly around Milan (which, might I add, is not a bad way to see Milan). 

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (11)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (12)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (13)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (14)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (15)

Eventually, we parked the rickshaw and hot-footed it to the Duomo (Milan Cathedral) and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.

Ideally, we would have loved to stay much longer in Milan and make the most of the sunshine (last time we visited, it was so rainy and cold) but our road trip was already meant to have started hours ago and from the Whatsapp group created for the trip, we could see that some of the other participants had already had a good head start (although we were all headed in different directions – with the aim of getting to the Amalfi coast by the end of course).

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (16)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (17)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (18)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (19)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (20)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (21)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (22)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (23)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (24)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (25)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (26)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (28)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (31)

We said a fond farewell to Milan, hopped into our rickshaw (but not before another espresso) and started our journey through the countryside down to the Amalfi coast…

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (33)

Arrival in Milan - Italy On A Rickshaw... (34)

16 Best Cities In Italy To Visit

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