As with everywhere on this trip, we arrived in Rome in the dark cloak of night so the next morning, we were more than pleasantly surprised when we looked around us and saw the stunning rolling Roman hills beautifully contrasting that lovely blue sky!

The Farmhouse In Rome (1)

The Farmhouse In Rome (2)

The Farmhouse In Rome (3)

The Farmhouse In Rome (4)

The Farmhouse In Rome (5)

It’s definitely the right motivation you need to get you excited for the day and absolutely ravenous for breakfast!

The Farmhouse In Rome (6)

The Farmhouse In Rome (7)

The Agriturismo villa we were staying in was pretty sweet too!

The Farmhouse In Rome (8)

We were joined by fellow “Great Italian Rickshaw Aventurers“, Giorgia and Lorenzo. They (miraculously) arrived early the night before with enough time to even indulge in wine o’clock!

We’d met Giorgia and Lorenzo back in Milan and stayed with them at the same place in Cinque Terre so they were pretty familiar (and welcome) faces by this point.

The Farmhouse In Rome (9)

The Farmhouse In Rome (10)

We all decided to stick together for the next lap of this journey and see where the roads would take us!

The Farmhouse In Rome (11)

The Farmhouse In Rome (12)

The Farmhouse In Rome (13)

As it turns out, not very far as we drove through our villa’s vineyards and spent the next hour or so pretty much seeing who could get the best photos for ye olde instagram

The Farmhouse In Rome (14)

The Farmhouse In Rome (15)

The Farmhouse In Rome (16)

… and proceeded to lose Osadebay in the vineyard.

The Farmhouse In Rome (17)

In the end, the group shots won the lot!

The Farmhouse In Rome (18)

The Farmhouse In Rome (19)

Until we got shoo’ed away by the farm dog for being too noisy.

The Farmhouse In Rome (20)

The Farmhouse In Rome (21)

A fuel stop later, we headed out to open Italian roads. Making yet another pit stop when we happened upon this amazing lake. As it turns out, this is another one of those experiences that would totally pass you by if you were driving in a car. You definitely can’t beat rickshaw’ing to make you stop and see so much more on your journey across Italy.

The Farmhouse In Rome (22)

The Farmhouse In Rome (23)

The Farmhouse In Rome (24)

Before long though tummies started rumbling and so, we headed off in search for lunch…

The Farmhouse In Rome (25)

… as aptly guided by Giorgia and Lorenzo.

The Farmhouse In Rome (26)

The Farmhouse In Rome (27)

Lunch by the way, ended up being rather fantastic and in the most unexpected of places. More on that in an upcoming post! 🙂

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