After leaving the Interpretation Centre in Antigua (see the first part of this post to find out more about what it is and why it’s important), we headed for Shirley Heights.

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 1

Shirley Heights is famed in Antigua for it’s sunday parties and beautiful sunsets (seriously, you can even see the island of Montserrat from up here) and so this was definitely one I was looking forward to seeing.

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (1)

The view of the English Harbour from up here is without a doubt, the best on the island!

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (2)

Nothing but pure Caribbean blues from up here as far as the eye can see…

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (3)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (4)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (8)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (5)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (9)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (10)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (11)

I eventually managed to tear myself away from that view to explore what would be the scene for the weekly party and dance fest later that night…

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (12)

…and stopped to get myself an Antiguan souvenir though I ended up getting side-tracked by chatting to the lady selling them, who it turns out, knew my driver (she went to school with him) and regaled us with tales of what they got up to in high school!

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (13)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (15)

Alas, we had to say farewell to the lady and head on our merry way!

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (16)

As we drove inland, the landscape changed as the beautiful beaches were replaced by lush, dense greenery!

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (17)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (18)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (19)

We weaves through the forest and towering mountains to make our way back to the coastline where we zoomed past beach after beach…

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (21)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (22)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (23)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (24)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (25)

…before making a stop at Valley Church Beach.

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (26)

Now the thing to know/remember about Antigua is that Antigua has 365 beach – that’s one for every day of the year so if ever there was a Caribbean island to visit for a beach holiday – this is it!

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (27)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (29)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (30)


Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (32)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (33)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (34)

Alas, I didn’t leave the hotel ready for the beach so I ended up with soaking wet clothes! The very epitome of island life is you ask me. 🙂 😉

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (36)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (37)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (35)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (38)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (39)

A few rum punches later (seriously, apart from water and the odd coffee  – that’s all I drank on this holiday), we decided to hit the road again…

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (40)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (41)

..but of course, we only ended up going a little bit further down before we hit another amazing beach.

At this point, I was already soaked so I figured “Why not?

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (42)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (43)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (45)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (44)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (46)

See what I mean about these Antiguan beaches?

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (47)

We headed back inlands (with a pit stop in St John’s) before making our way slowly through the villages back to the resort

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (48)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (50)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (49)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (52)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (53)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (54)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (51)

Exploring The Caribbean Island Of Antigua By Land - Part 2 (55)

Needless to say, by the time I arrived back at the resort, I was definitely deep in love with Antigua. It’s everything I imagine (and hoped) it would be.

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