Now where was I? Oh yes, just as the sun was setting, we were off to find our new home in the Maldives – The Angsana Ihuru.

Little did we know what they had in store for us…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (1)

Our excitement meant that we could barely sit down in the boat as we edge close and closer to the island which was basking in the sunset.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (2)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (3)

That Maldivian sunset is just amazing! Can’t get enough of it…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (4)

The Angsana Ihuru is a more intimate Maldivian island (you can walk around the entire island at a leisurely pace in a matter of minutes) and it also has an amazing house reef but more on that later…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (5)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (6)

We were welcomed with cool towels (a Maldivian essential), coconut and chocolate ice-creams and some even cooler drinks to help us fend off the heat (a winning combination in my opinion).

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (7)

We wandered around the island as soon as the last bit of the ice cream was in my mouth, trying to take in as much of the island as possible.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (8)

Alas there wasn’t much time to do this as it was almost time for dinner and we still had to get to our rooms to get ready for the evening’s plans…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (9)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (10)

Here the bathroom area is outside (I’ll show you more in the morning) and the villas here came with a jacuzzi (which I was very much looking forward to hopping into with a bottle of wine)…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (11)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (12)


The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (14)

…especially as the wine was already sat there just waiting for me!

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (15)

After a quick rummage around, we hot footed it to the bar area where we would be meeting for dinner.

Now the thing is, I expected dinner to be the regular event, sat in an outdoor restaurant with some of the other guests on the island but oh no – this dinner was going to be a lot more intimate than that.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (16)

We were led down a path to the beach where the sun was just setting…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (17)

…and seemingly out of the blue, there it was. A candle-lit table with our host for the evening waiting for us.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (18)

I had to stop to instagram this pretty much straight away! (hehe!)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (19)

This whole dinner set up is what I pictured dinner in the Maldives to be like years before we visited – I almost had to pinch myself while simultaneously trying to pick my jaw off the floor. It was already quite spectacular to be in such a beautiful place but to have this extra special surprise sprung on us was just incredible.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (20)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (21)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (22)

I wasted no time in getting stuck into the wine as course after course of Maldivian deliciousness arrived at the table…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (23)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (24)

Every piece of food that went past my lips, from lobster to chocolate cake, tasted absolutely incredible and feeling incredibly lucky to be experiencing the Maldives like this.


The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (26)

Suffice it to say, I went to bed very happy!

The next day, I woke up to those beautiful Maldivian colours which I took a couple of minutes to appreciate before panicking about waking up too late for breakfast!

Thankfully, the Angsana Ihuru has it’s own island time too so I had plenty of time for breakfast.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (27)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (28)

I tried everything I could lay my hands on and I mean everything. Freshly made omelettes, fluffy croissants, far too many waffles… to mention but a few (don’t worry, I also had lots of fresh fruit. No way was I gonna let that fresh fruit stand go to waste).

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (29)

Shortly after breakfast, the only plans we had was to head to the spa for a massage – now those are my kinda plans!

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (30)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (31)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (32)

(How cool is that tap, by the way?)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (33)

Treatments at the spa start and end with cool and refreshing teas (of your choice)…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (34)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (35)

…and of course those towels. The heat here is amazing but those towels make you appreciate it even more.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (36)

We chose the fragrances for our massage oils…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (37)

… and set off to take in an essential Maldivian experience! (Okay, essential is slightly overreaching but it’s soooooo good!).

N.B.: I may or may not have fallen asleep halfway through the massage. 😉

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (38)

Massages over and still stuffed from breakfast, I decided to go for a little nosey around the island…

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (39)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (40)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (41)

…before arranging for a proper snorkelling session with the island’s marine biologist.

I know, right? How can such a tiny island have a marine biologist? Like I mentioned earlier, the house reef here is particularly amazing in terms of species diversity and is arguably the best in the Maldives so a marine biologist is an essential part of the conservation work done by the island.

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (42)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (43)

The Angsana Ihuru, Maldives (44)

… but until that time, all that was left for it was to order a few drinks from the bar and soak in the sunshine down by the beach!

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