Now, since we’d arrived in Stuttgart, we hadn’t properly managed to check out the Christmas market.

The first day we had snow-rain and had to leave within a short time of arriving in the markets (my shoes were soaked and freezing).

The next day, we’d spent so long exploring the city, I was just too exhausted to even begin to consider exploring the market in any proper way.

This evening, however, fuelled by rather delicious gin, I decided it was high time to finally check out the Stuttgart Christmas market and so we did just that!

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (1)

We started off checking out the ice rink (which was the point when the snow-rain had started last time) before making our way deeper into the market in search of gluhwein and currywursts.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (2)

We then spent the next couple of hours generally just getting lost in the markets, stopping to buy some caramelised nuts (I refused to leave without a bag full of them to take back home with me) and checking out some antique in the alternative part of the Christmas markets.

I think that’s the fun thing about Christmas markets, times just seems to fly by so quickly as you’re rummaging and eating your way through.

We left that Christmas market utterly full and totally content with the goodies we’d managed to score, before deciding to call it a night.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (8)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (9)

The next morning was our final morning in Stuttgart and there was one spot I just knew I couldn’t leave without checking it out – said spot was the Mercedes Benz museum.

Now, I’m not the biggest car-geek (there are people out there who can literally take one apart and put it back together) but I do appreciate a pretty decent automobile or two and so, as our final stop on the way to the airport, we popped into the Mercedes Benz Museum.

As soon as you step in, it feels almost like you’ve walked into some futuristic dystopian universe with its amazing lift pods and bare concrete walls.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (10)

Now I could have opted for the stairs but I wasn’t gonna pass on the chance to ride one of those pods!

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (14)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (15)

Up at the top, we decided to do the museum from top to bottom, starting with some of the very first inventions built by the company’s founder.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (16)

It’s just so impressive to see the origins of today’s modern cars though I have to admit, some of the original designs had me wanting to find a version of it to take home for myself.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (18)

^Though perhaps not this one above that’s like a bicycle. Apparently, the engine underneath used to heat the seat up so you’d end up with a rather hot bum while using it. In fact, it sued to heat up so much so that riders would end up just having to stand for most of it.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (20)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (21)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (24)

You then work your way through some other rather ingenious classic…

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (25)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (28)

…before making your way to the next levels.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (29)

Each level has different sections a certain theme from racing cars right through to commuter buses.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (30)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (31)

We spiralled our way through, marvelling at the designs, lusting shamelessly over certain rather sleek models and gawking at some awkward-looking models.

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (13)

Before we knew it, it was time to head home!

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (32)

Stuttgart Christmas Market and The Mercedes Benz Museum (33)

Stuttgart had been quite the treat to explore and taking the time to explore parts outside of the city had proven to be such an amazing way to spend time in Germany (and definitely one I wanna do more of).

Till next time Stuttgart – Auf Wiedersehen… for now. 

11 Very Best Things To Do In Stuttgart

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