Hey there,

You may have noticed a reduced rate of blog posts lately and for that I apologise. In the past few weeks, I’ve been at the end of my degree at Cambridge Uni and it’s pretty much eaten up every bit of free time I had. Now, that Uni days are finally over expect a lot of blog updates and some new features on here. Thanks for being patient with me here are  few post previews you can expect very soon!

1.) That one time in Vegas….
Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (1)

2.) Hong Kong city hopping
Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (3)

3.) That place called ‘Manly’ in Australia… (apparently this is where I belong… on account of being so Manly and all. Haha!)
Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (6)

4.) Macau! A little spot of Portugal in Asia…
Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (4)

5.) San Antonio…. (and the Alamo)
Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (7)

Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (5)

7.) Kayaking in Thailand
Travel Updates From Onetravel Guide Blog (2)

It feels so good to even be typing these words. Thanks for stick with us for the last few weeks.

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