Puerto Rico! The name alone conjures up images of chilled island life, tropical beauty and colourfully interesting culture (“colourfully interesting” might not be an actual phrase but you get my drift). As popular as all the incredible places in Puerto Rico is with US travellers (it’s a US Territory after all) that only just started … Continue Reading

I’m genuinely in deep lust with Canada! In fact, I’d go as far as saying I have a love affair with Canada. Ever since I first stepped foot in Vancouver, I knew I knew instantly that I was crazy about all things Canadian. Wandering around downtown Vancouver and falling in lust with Canada more and … Continue Reading

Lots of people know about the larger islands of Europe: Great Britain, Ireland, Sicily and many more but there are many smaller (but no less breathtaking) islands that we often forget or bypass on our quest to visit while travelling around Europe. Some of the islands are “off the beaten track” so to speak, while … Continue Reading

Salvation Mountain California is an artistic landscape that stands colourfully in the California Desert which I’m sure you’ll love! Erected over 30 years ago, this landscape has been created by volunteers that look after this one-of-a-kind spot. And to be honest, it’s easy to see why… it’s so unique. That’s why I wanted to share some more … Continue Reading

Norway is one of those countries whose beauty constantly surprises me. I know part of it is down to my expectations (it gets really cold and dark over winter, it’s very expensive…and so on and so forth) but I wasn’t expecting to find myself falling in love with it more and more each time I … Continue Reading

Europe is a gem of a continent to explore, with lots of smaller haunts that don’t seem to get as much attention as the likes of; Paris, London or Rome. I mean, it’s awash with lots of hidden places in Europe. Some within easy reach, others requiring a little more effort – but all are … Continue Reading

Visiting Morocco for the first time last year was something of an eye opener. See, Osadebay had always wanted to visit but I wasn’t fully sold. Eventually, I caved in and we grabbed a couple of friends and headed over to Morocco somewhere between assignments and piles of coursework I had back at Cambridge University. … Continue Reading

Three things come to my mind when thinking of Canada. One – the friendly people (I swear everyone is so nice), two – the extremely noticeable seasonal changes that make visiting so exciting (the difference between summer and winter is so dramatic), and three – the mind-blowing places in Canada to see (the landscapes and … Continue Reading

So here’s the scene – it’s the middle of winter and despite your travels during the year (and constant insistence that you’re done with swelteringly hot summer days), you’ve found yourself smack in the centre of a cold wintery snap (with full-on grey clouds to match). That being said, you can still find yourself a … Continue Reading

I absolutely love the UK so I may be a little bit biased but I genuinely feel like it has some of the nicest places to spend a summer (or winter) holiday. Unfortunately, a lot of places in the UK which offer a greatly different range of experiences and sights get easily over-looked for places … Continue Reading

Take a look, below, at the 5 cities in Europe to visit this year.  1.) London It’s every traveller’s delight to spend some time in London. Not just because of how pretty it is, or how steeped it is in history and decorated by brilliant architecture. One of the key reasons to visit London and … Continue Reading

Despite an unseasonably warm start, winter has finally hit and even though I’m all for sunshine, t-shirt weather and cocktails by the beach, when the cold sets in, there’s nothing I like more than to lean into the frostiness that winter brings with it. I am a huge believer of making the most of what … Continue Reading

No matter where you travel to in the world, waterfalls are always an amazing sight to see! The sight of that rushing water, cascading with at amazing speed with ferocious intensity always make for great viewing and amazing travel photos. There’s something also intimidating about the sheer strength of the waterfalls which only add more … Continue Reading

Hawaii is one of those places where, to be honest, you’re probably not really struggling for reasons to want to visit. It just feels so familiar (you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who hasn’t heard of it) yet so mysterious (think Jurassic Park) and intriguing, all at the same time. Thing is though, for Americans, with … Continue Reading