The Caribbean island of Antigua is probably most famed for its absolutely stunning beaches – in fact, there’s one for every day of the year (we’re talking 365 beaches here 😎 🏖 🍹) but there’s so much more to Antigua than just beaches. Suffice to say, you probably don’t need much convincing to visit the Caribbean (or … Continue Reading

From the Bay of Biscay in the south to the Celtic Sea off the northern coast of France, there are so many beautiful and best places in the west of France to explore. For starters, there is a huge mix of little towns and cities that’ll have you leaping to book a train or flight to … Continue Reading

Whilst still on the topic of pools… Your afternoon dose of holiday lust is served right up! I can’t even handle how much I wanna check this out. It looks so amazing and like a lot of fun – especially if there’s a big group of you. Apparently the pool is spread over 20 acres … Continue Reading

Summer’s officially here (even though the last of Spring weather is still around in bits and pieces all across Europe) and to celebrate the start of summer (and to also drag you into our latest summer obsession), I’ve put together a list of places you should definitely consider going to for a beach holiday this … Continue Reading

You could say I’m biased about Wales. You wouldn’t be wrong either. Wales is an absolute beauty and having lived there for so many years, I’ve gotten to know and explore this beauty first hand. Indeed, some of the best hikes in Wales once completed will leave you equally as biased as I am about … Continue Reading

We’re headed off to Santorini in a few weeks (remember this post here?). This has been on the cards for quite a while now but it’s slipped to the back of my mind for ages until I looked at my calendar recently and realised that it was almost time to head out to Greece again! I had … Continue Reading

The inspiration behind this post comes from me trying to play this game with Osadebay over dinner in Lille and getting strange looks from him while he obsessed over his camembert! *Side note – I tasted the camembert and I have to admit – I get it, I wouldn’t have paid attention to myself if … Continue Reading

First off a bit of context – our friends Alex (one of the brains behind the amazing – Design Box London) and Jamie invited us to celebrate their birthday and I’m pretty sure I RSVP’d even before I received the invite! Celebration time with these two is always bound to be fun. I still have … Continue Reading

Summertime is holiday time. Countries literally seem to shut down for weeks at a time while everyone heads off for holiday (here’s looking at your France and Italy) and so it comes as no surprise that this is one of the best times to plan that amazing trip you’ve been dreaming about doing in Europe. … Continue Reading

Cornwall is a delightful gem (in the south-west of the UK) and one of the few places in the UK that boasts brilliant weather. The beaches are amazing, the people delightful and the clotted cream delicious. 12 Amazing Things To See In Cornwall, England

Yes, I’m officially obsessed with travel blogs! I love reading what other people have gotten up to on their travels and getting inspired by amazing travellers and bloggers! There’s always something new to see or someplace new to explore and these blog posts this week have in a roundabout way both satisfied my travel lust … Continue Reading

These 9 places holiday destinations are just what you travel plans need! 😁 Some are more well known than others and some are rather specific places, as opposed to a larger destination, but they have one thing in common and that’s how amazing they all are individually. If you’re still unsure where to go travelling … Continue Reading

With almost 50 countries, hundreds of cities and a mind-boggling array of natural destinations, Europe has endless possibilities of places to explore, sights to see and delicious foods to taste however one of best ways of getting a true sense of European life is by heading to the fairly off the radar places. From Italy to Iceland, there’s … Continue Reading

Chances are, if you’re thinking about visiting the UK, you’ll be thinking about visiting London? And even if you’re not, it’s likely you still might fly into one of its whopping 6 different airports that surround the city, which gives you every excuse to explore the capital. That being said, sometimes it’s nice to leave … Continue Reading