Afternoon naps are an amazing thing aren’t they? They leave you so refreshed and all geared up to explore the world! (Even when they last for just an hour).

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Spurred by this new found energy, we left the Isles of Scilly Country Guesthouse (which at this point was basking in the island sunshine and ventured out to see more of St Marys…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

St Mary’s is the biggest of the islands in the Isles of Scilly but still every bit as quaint and laidback as all the others…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

…which meant spending a lot of time wandering around the island in search of nothing and everything!

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Luckily, having the golf buggy, this meant we could cover so much ground in a limited period of time (we were only here for day)…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

I think I could be very well-suited to living on this island! (I definitely need to return and next time, I’m bringing the troops with me! 😉 )

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

*sings* “They see me rollin’… they hatin’…” Hehehe! Osadebay may be taking his roleas buggy driver a bit too seriously… (he was loving zooming around in this little buggy so much I was afraid that it would be tricky to pry it away from him when it came round to returning it to the owners later that evening)…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Eventually though, we did have to return the buggy but only after we’d zoomed around the entire island (which doesn’t take too much time as it’s relatively small). Thankfully, dinner was right round the corner (time-wise) so off we went in search of Juliet’s Garden – a restaurant which you most definitely need to pop into when you’re in St Mary’s)…Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

…we had a bit of a trek (not too much) to get there though, which was a great way to see more of the island and ‘go off the beaten track’, so to speak..

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

(Who’s Harry and why does he have his own wall?)

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

By the time we made it to Juliet’s Garden, my tummy was rumbling and truly ready for some dinner (amply assisted by stunning views of the island)…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

…but first, some strawberry Pimms. The sunshine called for it and I had no choice but to oblige!

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

The staff here are very friendly by the way and although we arrived a tad early for dinner, our hungry tummies were obliged and we were shown to our seats…Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

A glass of wine is great start to every meal 😉Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Osadebay started with a bowl of fragrant, delicious soup…Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

And I started with scallops  served with parmesan cheese biscuits. It. Was. Amazing!Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Osadebay then went with a pie for mains… (going old-fashioned British with that one)…Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

…and I went for the lamb!Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Served with fries and a side salad (which was topped with chopped nuts – yummy) or instead of fries, you could have new potatoes and steamed veg. Guess who chose which?Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Yup! I went with the fries and Osadebay with the steamed potatoes.

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Osadebay had the marmalade bakewell tart served with clotted cream for dessert. (I was assured between greedy mouthful’s that this was a very good choice!)…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

And I went with the Posset which is a delicious mix of lemon, berries, salted caramel popcorn…Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

For the rest of the evening, I then proceeded to gleefully moan about how stuffed I was after dinner! A state of being I very much enjoy…

Oh and I did get scared by a wild pheasant on the walk back. Literally, neither of us was expecting it and when we bumped into it in the fields, there was a simultaneous duo of human yelps and one pheasant screech before all three of us proceeded to run in three different directions. Lesson learned about taking shortcuts – though I did finally get to see a wild pheasant, albeit not a gold one but still, I was retrospectively pleased!

The next morning involved last minute packing, hurried farewells to the Isles of Scilly guesthouse staff (who are all almost guaranteed to know you by name by the time you leave even if they weren’t the ones who checked you in) and a dash for the airport (which is mere minutes away regardless of wherever you are on the island)…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Osadebay and I made a dash for the front seats (Osadebay has always wanted to be a pilot) so he was very pleased to have a sneak-peek at cockpit.

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Soon, we were off, waving farewell to the Isles of Scilly in the distance as we made our way back to the mainland…

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

The view from the flights are fantastic across the Isles of Scilly and the mainland!

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St Mary

Final Day In The Isles Of Scilly! (Plus The Amazing View On The Way Back Home!) - In St MaryIt’s always great to be back home, don’t get me wrong but with I most certainly left the Isles of Scilly with a new found favourite holiday destination in the UK and a hankering to return to the islands as soon as possible! I genuinely, truly, really can not recommend the Isles of Scilly enough – you definitely have to visit whenever you’re in the UK!

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