If you ever find yourself driving in Iceland, you will find that you will have to make many impromptu road stops just to take in the landscape and take in a few photos.

Try as you might, no one can resist doing this and it is this very act that led the 4 of us to arrive quite late at our next destination after our horse riding adventure at Hestheimar.

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (1)

The final stop of the evening, of course, was a hotel and none other than the Frost and Fire hotel.

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (2)

The Frost and Fire hotel are one of those hotels set in the midst of beautiful natural landscapes and one that uses this to its full advantage.

There’s an outdoor heated pool, several hot tubs next to the river and meals made using the natural lava heat!

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (3)

As soon as we arrived, we had one thing on our minds – food and so we rather quickly chucked out stuff into the rooms and went to the restaurant at the hotel.

The food here was amazing! We were all raving about it as we ate. I’m sure we were the loudest table with our moans of “Mmmmm…”, “Delicious!” and “Saaaa-Gu” (which is what “So Good!” sounds like with a mouth full of cake)

This meal was yet another example of how Icelandic food had been brilliant so far and we tucked into every course available… with copious amounts of wine of course and I think I can say that we deserved it after learning to ride horses earlier in the day!

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (7)

We kicked off with this salmon starter specially prepared by the chef… This really got us going!
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (8)

It was of course accompanied with freshly baked bread which we proceeded to ladle with lashing of Icelandic butter… (that butter is so good!)
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (9)

Then, we tucked into the hot smoked goose with brie and raspberries…
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (10)

…along with creamed soup of langoustine, Varmá special
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (11)

Followed by Bacalao with butternut squash, olives and tomato- and herb butter sauce for Osadebay and Georgia…
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (12)

…and Lamb chops and a shank of lamb cooked in the hot spring, mini-potatoes and Iceland moss infused sauce for Chris and me.
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (13)

Osadebay, Georgia and I then opted for the carrot cake cooked in the hot spring served with Iceland moss ice cream…
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (14)

…and Chris went for the chocolate-dream, vanilla ice cream and creamed mascarpone.
Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (15)

Once dinner was over, we ‘retired’ to the hot tubs, wine-a-plenty and took in the scenery while relaxing our muscles and re-calling what we’d been doing in Iceland so far.

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (4)

Officially, I feel inclined to also point out that we did some planning for the next day’s activities but we did more wine-drinking at this stage than any planning.

We only planned on staying in the hot tubs for a little while but before we knew it, it was 1.30 am.

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (5)

Those hot tubs will do that to ya! 🙂

The next day, we hurriedly grabbed breakfast as soon as we woke up and went back to our rooms to pack for the next stop on our trip.

Frost and Fire Hotel, Iceland on Onetravel Guide - onetravelguide.info (6)

One or all of us may have fallen asleep after having a humongous breakfast with freshly made waffles, fruits, cereal, fresh breads, meats and cheeses.

Basically, if it was on offer for breakfast, it was getting eaten by us!

Naps over, we finally said farewell to the Frost and Fire hotel though only briefly as we would be back in a couple of nights after seeing some amazing sights in Iceland (and yes, there were some Northern Lights sightings but more on that in another post).

Read more: Best things to do in Iceland

22 Very Best Things To Do In Iceland

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