Easily one of the most iconic structures in Italy and indeed across the world, The Leaning Tower of Pisa is truly an amazing sight to behold! I was in so much of it when I saw it in person but I’m jumping the gun here, let me take a few steps back here.

Visiting Pisa was actually a side trip on a main trip to Florence (more on that soon!) and it was definitely a worthwhile trip! Pisa is only about 1 hour away from Florence on the train (which is quite cheap) so it makes sense to pop on over to see Pisa if you’ve got time.

Word of advice though – there’s not really much else in Pisa. It’s an amazing quaint Tuscan city but you might get a bit bored if you stayed for a week or two (in fact, you will most likely be bored if you stay that long – a weekend in Pisa is all you need).

Our trip to Pisa began with a little exploration of the city on the walk from the train station to the leaning tower.

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (2) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (3)

We weaved and meandered through the rustic and quiet city in search of food and water…

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (4)
Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (5) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (6)Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (7)

Finally we made it to The Leaning Tower! We were so unprepared for how huge it was! I always assumed it would be a lot smaller.

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (8)

Needless to say, the stereotypical photos begun! (I’m a fan of taking silly photos like this! Sod the naysayers – this is a Pisa photo album must-have!)

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (9)

Another thing you don’t expect when you visit Pisa are the other sights dotted around The Leaning Tower which are actually quite impressive in themselves!

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (11)Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (10)Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (13) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (14) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (15)

Sights seen and photos taken! We settled down on the grass for a picnic!

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (16)

Looks like other people had the same idea too!

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (17)

Even the pigeons swooped in to share in our lunch…

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (18)

Finally, we figured we’d get a move on – though not before a few more photos and another walk around…

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (19) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (20)

And Michael’s own mandatory Leaning Tower of Pisa photo!

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (1)

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (21) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (22)

Michael stopped to top up his bottle of water at this fountain (which is a great way to save money and stay hydrated in Italy generally! They’ve got these in lots of Italian cities and the water is safe to drink).

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (23)

We bade farewell to The Leaning Tower and headed to the hotel.

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (24)

I pretty much chucked everything onto the bed/floors and headed out to the hotel pool straight away! As you can probably tell, it was a particularly hot day!

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (25) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (26)

Aaaah… pool time!!!

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (27)

Within minutes though of emerging from the pool, Michael quickly fell asleep…

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (28) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (29)

Michael swears he hadn’t fallen asleep but those chair marks on his back when he rolled over say otherwise don’t you think? 🙂

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (30) Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (31)

You could still see the Tower in the distance from our hotel…

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (32)

Slowly, the sun started to set…

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (33)

And we eventually headed out for dinner but not before one quick look at the now lit up Leaning Tower shining in the distance.

Hopping, Swimming and Leaning in Pisa! Leaning Tower Of Pisa. (34)

10 Very Best Things To Do In Pisa, Italy

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