Have you ever wondered what it would be like to milk your birthday and celebrate it in multiple places across the globe? Chances are that you haven’t but if you’re even the slightest intrigued by this concept then let’s play a little game.

Things To See New York (2)

The rules are pretty simple, you have to pick at least 4 locations across the globe where you can start at one end of the globe (bearing in mind you have to travel) and you have to arrive in all locations on your birthday. It’s a lot easier than you’d think. The biggest thing to do is to start from the East and go West to make the most of the time difference.

About a month ago Osadebay and I, were asked to take part in this fun challenge and picked what we think would be a brilliant route to stretch those birthday celebrations further.

London – Las Vegas – Monaco – New York – Paris

Although, not in that order. 🙂

Now it’s your turn! 🙂 Where would you go and which route would you take to celebrate your birthday all across the globe?

Remember the only limitation (in this scenario anyway) is time – not money, so go crazy! Look forward to seeing your choice. 🙂

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