The general theme? Random photos of places, things and people I saw while walking around in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is such a vibrant and chaotic city and in that sense rivals any other global city and yet, within all this hustle and bustle, you can still manage to find a calm little oasis of serenity! I have to admit, I really like that contrast and find Hong Kong to be a very exciting city.

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (1)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (2)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (3)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (5)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (6) Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (8)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (9)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (10)

Photo Diary: Hong King City Lights! (11)

Read more: Best things to do in Hong Kong

15 Best Things To Do In Hong Kong

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