As we mentioned briefly in this post here, we’re in Italy!

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Italy is such a favourite of mine and a big dream I’ve harboured for the longest time was to stay in a Tuscan farmhouse in the middle of the countryside and soak in some of that Italian ‘La Dolce Vita‘ (The Sweet Life). The original plan was to do nothing but relax, go on long walks, eat mountains of pizza and florentine steaks, sip on Italian wine and generally just be lazy.

While we got the Tuscan farmhouse part down to a Tee (there’re wild deer and wild boars running around all over the place here – see photo above and below) but alas, there’s too much to see and do in Italy than to just sit at home and be lazy so the second part of the plan went out of the window fairly quickly.

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We started up north with Milan and Lake Como before moving down to Tuscany and making our way slowly through different cities, towns and villages.

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I’ll have the full recap up on here very soon! Thanks so much for your recommendations on Snapchat and on Instagram – you’re the best! Its been sooo good and I promise to return the favour soon with recommendations from our end too!

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Till then though, here are some postcard from Italy! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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16 Best Cities In Italy To Visit

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