Right down by the harbour, I finally had that Nordic hotdog I’d been craving. (*For some reason, they just seem to taste so much better up here).

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (23)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (24)

Watered and fed (actually more like ‘Fanta’d and fed’) we headed down to the pick up our kayaks (and our instructor) and go off exploring Geirangerfjord.

Except, due to winds earlier in the day, the kayaking had been cancelled… In its place instead was a rib boat tour and I’ve gotta be honest, I very nearly jumped for joy.

I’d over-estimated my hunger levels and eaten twice as many hot dogs as I really should have so my current ‘carb low’ was not exactly giving me the strength (nor motivation) I needed to do any physical exercise. Plus I’m kinda lazy when it comes to exercise… 😉

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (21)

So off we went into a rib boat tour (akin to the one we did in Alesund… and the one we did in Naeroyfjord – another UNESCO World Heritage site) with the exception of the fact that this was Geirangerfjord – by far Norway’s most famous and most acclaimed fjords!

Soon enough we were zooming through the fjords, past towering mountains and waters…

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (20)

Spotting the Seven Sisters in the distance…

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (19)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (18)

…and The Suitor right opposite it.

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (17)

Legend (i.e. Wikipedia) has it that “the seven sisters (7 waterfalls) dance playfully down the mountain. Meanwhile, across the fjord, the suitor (or courter) flirts playfully with them from afar”.

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (16)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (15)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (13)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (14)

We went past bend after bend, getting as close to the waterfalls as possible…

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (12)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (11)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (10)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (9)

Now the really exciting waterfall here is The Suitor as this is the one you can get really close to… and as a result, really drenched (don’t worry, you actually have protective full-body suits on (and goggles) so you won’t mind getting wet here. 🙂

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (8)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (7)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (6)

The rest of the afternoon was pretty much spent testing the speed limits of the rib boat and zooming past mountains that look suspiciously faces…

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (5)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (4)

…before finally heading back to GeirangerRib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (3)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (1)

Rib-Boating The Geirangerfjord (2)

…just in time for a cold beer in the surprisingly warm Norwegian sun…. bliss! 🙂

Read more: Best places in Norway to explore

15 Best Places In Norway You Have To Visit

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