Before I headed out to Antigua, I’d heard rumours of how beautiful the beaches in Antigua are and how amazing it was for snorkelling so after a relaxing day exploring, I knew the very first activity I wanted to get up to was snorkelling!

I arrived bright and early to sign up for snorkelling at the hotel and before long, we were off on the Caribbean side for a spot of snorkelling! We anchored close to the reef and with GoPro in hand, I jumped right in!

It’s a bit hard to take photos on the GoPro when snorkelling and holding a selfie stick on another arm but here are some of the photos I took while snorkelling. You get extra points if you can identify the different kinds of fishes in these photos – to get you started, there’s a parrotfish somewhere in there! 😉

N.B.: I think I had the GoPro on the wrong settings for Burst Mode so the photo quality isn’t that great but it’s much better than attempting to take it on my DSLR right? 🙂 😉

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (1)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (2)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (3)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (4)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (5)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (6)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (7)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (8)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (9)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (10)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (11)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (12)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (13)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (14)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (15)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (16)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (17)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (18)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (19)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (20)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (21)

Snorkelling In Antigua - The Photo Diary (22)

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