When we visited the Maldives for the first time, the original plan was to stay in the Maldives for 2 weeks but somewhere along the line, we got sidetracked by the island beauty that is Sri Lanka and ended up deciding to split our time between both places, spending 5 days in the Maldives (6 … Continue Reading

After our morning snorkelling around the house reef, the rest of the afternoon was devoted to soaking in as much sunshine as possible and splashing around in the pool! The Angsana Velavaru ocean villa pools are a lot bigger than I’d anticipated and, drinks in hand, are a perfect way to make the most of … Continue Reading

Now where was I? Oh yes, just as the sun was setting, we were off to find our new home in the Maldives – The Angsana Ihuru. Little did we know what they had in store for us… Our excitement meant that we could barely sit down in the boat as we edge close and closer … Continue Reading

It is hard to relax on the beach when there’s so much amazing stuff to see around you and so, despite enjoying the  down time chilling with cocktails by the beach, we decided we had to go snorkelling.   We’d been told so much about the amazing house reef here and knew we had to … Continue Reading

The Maldives are the epitome of island paradise and the dream destination of pretty much everyone you ask – seriously, ask anyone around you right now if they’d want to visit the Maldives. 🙂 These pristine, beautiful islands in the Indian Ocean are a haven of natural beauty and one of those places that definitely … Continue Reading

The next morning at Velassaru proved that the sunshine was indeed here to stay (it’d rained on and off for the first couple of days when we arrived to the Maldives – mostly in the evenings and usually for like 30 mins to an hour but still… 🙂 ). Thankfully this morning, my only plans … Continue Reading

Despite heading to bed fairly late on my first night in the Maldives, the jet lag got the better of me and fight it as I tried, I just couldn’t go back to sleep and so I decided to head out on my bicycle to watch the sunrise.  I literally jumped out of bed, in my PJs, … Continue Reading

Seeing those dolphins and manta rays in the wild was absolutely incredible and the entire time, I totally forgot that I’d had very little sleep the night before (on account of me refusing to go to bed early and having to wave up very early the next day for the boat ride) – thanks in … Continue Reading

Now, as the Kurumba has a lot of choice on offer and we had very limited time to sample all the choices, we had a greedy modern take on dinner. How? By having starters in one restaurant, mains from another and dessert for a third! Even with that though (and lunch from an entirely different … Continue Reading

The next morning at the Angsana Velavaru, after our fairly relaxed day of arrival into the Maldives – I had two main things planned for the day – snorkelling (the Maldives is, as you already know, amazing for this) and indulging in the spa… actually, make that 3 things – I also planned on getting … Continue Reading

If you’ve been on our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, you’ll probably have been inundated with so many photos from the Maldives… If you haven’t well this post is for you – we’re in the Maldives as it’s as beautiful as they all said it would be! (Oh, and we’re also on Snapchat with username “onetravelguide”) … Continue Reading

On our final day at the Dusit Thani Maldives, we decided to make the most of the infinity pool and so we got up bright and early! Had breakfast and headed down to the pool. The thing is, the snorkelling here is so great that the infinity pool had kinda been overlooked from our end … Continue Reading

Fresh off the high of that amazing Maldivian sunset (champagne-fuelled) cruise at the amazing Kandolhu island, we headed off for cocktails by moonlight (which somehow seems even more special than cocktails by bar-light 😉 ), before heading out to dinner. I say ‘heading out’, we must have walked all of 10 steps to the Sea … Continue Reading

The second part of our recent trip to the Maldives is here!!! 🙂 This time we changed home from this one to the Velassaru Maldives. There’s something so exciting about arriving at a new island in the Maldives. New restaurants to discover (i.e. new attempts to try to eat my weight in delicious foods), new … Continue Reading