For how hot Chitwan is during the day, it does tend to cool off considerably come night time! So much so that getting a good night’s sleep comes very easy. The next morning, we got up bright and early and pretty much rushed through breakfast – eager to make the most of our time in … Continue Reading

Kathmandu is an incredibly busy, energetic and bustling city in the heart of Nepal and usually the first point of call for most international visitors to the country. Our first visit to Nepal was incredible and there were so many amazing things to do in Kathmandu that you’ll be spoilt for choice. Now, if it’s … Continue Reading

The next morning, kinda fuelled by our missed sun rise opportunity in Palpa, we decided to see the sunrise over the Himalayas in Pokhara. And so, alarms set for 4am, off we set in search of that sun rise. I can’t tell you how hard getting up for that was. 🙂 😀 There’s a reason … Continue Reading

Panuati is one of Nepal’s oldest towns and one of its most important historically too – largely due to the fact that it’s pretty much been left the way the founders built the town. It’s not too far from Kathmandu either (it’s actually a commuter town for some people) so it makes for the perfect … Continue Reading