Norway is such a beautiful country, with hundreds of small towns (and small cities) that are just begging to be explored. Take a look at some favourites that should be on your travel-list. 1.) Flåm Flåm is a great village to explore the Fjords of Norway. Getting to this quaint Norwegian town is also part of … Continue Reading

Hi! This is gonna be a really quick post! 🙂 If you’ve been on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook lately then you probably have a sense of what we have been getting up to in our 48-hour challenge across the Nordics with Scandic Hotels. It has been amazing! 🙂 We’ve done and seen so many amazing stuff that I … Continue Reading

You might have already seen the blog posts from our recent trip to the Nordics… If you have, then you don’t need much introduction to this video – it is essentially the video diary from our time in the Nordics (also known to some as Scandinavia). If you haven’t, then fret not – the links are … Continue Reading