Okay, another exaggeration here (what’s with me and hyperbole today???) but I’m so excited so it is important dammit! Haha! 🙂 A couple of weeks ago, while exploring Singapore, I mentioned going to the Marina Bay Sands which is amazing and chok-a-block of expensive stores, nice restaurants and general tourist distractions. Anyway, one of the … Continue Reading

I love going to see stuff that most people don’t do. When in Singapore, most people head off to see the obvious shiny stuff – the Marina Bay Sands, shopping on Orchard Road, Day trips to Universal Studios and while there absolutely nowt wrong with those things, one experience I definitely recommend when in Singapore … Continue Reading

Bit of background, I’ve been quite lucky to have spent the last few months living outside of the UK. Funnily enough, for all my love of travelling, I’d never been to Asia before and so this was a summer of firsts. The first opportunity I got, I packed as much travel as possible into every … Continue Reading

I’ll be the first to admit, before moving to live in Singapore, I can’t say I knew much about this tiny country. I had a friend living there who gave me a quick low-down on what areas to look for apartments in and told me how safe it all was…etc but that was about it. I … Continue Reading

Okay, this is big news! 🙂 *drum roll* HAND LUGGAGE ONLY HAS JUST MOVED TO SINGAPORE!!! For the next few months anyway… We’re so excited as this is our very first this far East and there is so much to see, do and taste! I will try to do a longer and more detailed post … Continue Reading

Singapore has a poor reputation when it comes to beaches. For all the flash and pomp the city-state has, with its towering steel and glass towers, beautiful people and amazing food (to mention but a few), it is notorious for having no ‘really nice’ beaches. There’s perhaps one beach of note in the Sentosa resort … Continue Reading

The lengths we will go to look for beaches, eh? Like I said in the previous post, looking for great beaches in Singapore has been a bit of struggle however due to some time-staking research, I finally found what is apparently Singapore’s best-kept secret! What is this I hear you ask? Lazarus Island Beach! Okay, … Continue Reading

On arrival in Singapore, one of the first things I did was explore my neighbourhood – once I was done with my Uni work from Cambridge which had the ridiculously timed deadline of a few days after I arrived – between jet lag, assignment deadlines and general tiredness, I felt like I spent the first few … Continue Reading

One of the most vital parts of any trip to Singapore is to get yourself a Singapore Sling! For those who don’t know what it is don’t fret, it’s not a sling of more ‘adult’ type.. Hehe! A Singapore Sling is a cocktail! There is so much history behind the Singapore Sling and it is probably one … Continue Reading