It’s safe to say that upon our return from “the secret beach” I was well and truly rested! I remember trying to throw in a quick instagram update and falling asleep. I don’t even think I’d composed two words in the caption before dozing off. Thankfully though I managed to get up on time for dinner!

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (1)

Random aside: My new found obsession are these chairs. I am fully aware they would be somewhat impractical in my London apartment but that has no made me want them any less!

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (2)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (3)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (4)

Dinner for tonight was gonna be in one of the restaurants you have to reserve so I swapped my swim trunks for some proper clothes and went out ravenously in search of food.

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (5)

Apparently, I was too hungry to take any photos of the food but I did managed to get a photo of this cat.

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (6)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (7)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (8)

I’m gonna say that photo above happened because of how artistic I was feeling but in truth, it was all because of wine.

Oh, and as it turns out, I did have photos of some of the food – my favourite part too – dessert!

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (9)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (10)

The rest of the evening was spent in the chill out area with endless amount of caipirinhas (amongst some other cocktails – you know, just to mix things up a bit).

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (11)

The next day was spent as productively as the other days before – doing absolutely nothing! I did decide to wander the grounds some more but I gave up when I walked past the pool and was offer wine by the waitress… (Don’t judge me – you’d have done the same too… Hehehe!)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (12)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (13)

Before my wine distraction, I did manage to see parts of it though…(here’s proof)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (14)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (15)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (16)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (17)

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (18)

Before I knew it, the sun was starting to go down and I got a message from the reception area to say our taxi would be arriving soon for the airport.

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (19)

By the time, I finally said farewell to this amazing place, I definitely knew I needed more trips like this. Just endless days filled with nothing to balance out the holidays I spent chasing the sights, I got to not only experience a new country but to also experience a fairly different style of travel from what I was used to. 🙂

Oh and let’s not forget my new found obsession with these chairs…

Turkey Photo Diary, Dalaman to Gocek (20)

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