Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and easily the most romantic cities in Italy. I know Paris is well-known for being ‘the romantic city’ but don’t be fooled, Venice easily rivals Paris for this title. Plus it has amazing ice creams so for me.

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (7)

It absolutely wins! 🙂

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (1)

Venice is so much more than this of course though after even just a few hours in Venice, this is one of the things that struck me the most. It’s idyllic, strangely busy yet calming, full of energy and a constant contrast between loud busy streets and quiet desolate walkways.

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (9)

There’s just something about Venice that captures you and it’s so easy to see why people come back for more over and over again.

Here’s how we spent our long-weekend across Venice. 

1.) Taking random photos when you get in

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (3)

Doesn’t even matter what you’re taking photos of -take in the sights as soon as you arrive and take some photos to help seal this memory

2.) Looking for gelatos

Ignore everything else and find the nearest gelato shop! Forgotten to take a photo (like I did), that’s okay, you’ve now got an excuse to get more ice creams later on for the mandatory ice cream photos! 🙂 Hehehe!

3.) Check out the Venetian masks

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (2)

Oh, yeah, and get yourself one while you’re at it.

The really high-quality ones are reflective of the price but do shop around. As with most places, these masks are cheaper in some places than in others.

4.) Take a series of (self-indulgent) selfies!

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (5)

No comment needed! 😉

5.) Getting lost in Venice

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (8)

Well, preferably with a map! It’s a nice little way to see otherwise unseen parts of the city!

6.) Get the umpteenth gelato

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (10)

Yeah, I’m being that greedy in Venice! 

7.) Take a gondola ride across Venice

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (21)

Make sure you find out what the going rate is before you go!

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (12)

They will always try to charge you more than necessary so be prepared to bargain! And try not to fall asleep in the sun… (I did towards the end of it – after seeing the main sights of course).    Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (16)

8.) Head over to San Marco Square

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (24)

to see the main sights (will do another post on these – this post is quite big enough without creating a sub-list of the landmarks and sights to see) Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (18)Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (25)Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (26)Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (27)

9.) Stop for a little lunch and Italian wines

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (22)

a chance to rest your feet and finish off that nap you started in the Gondola.   Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (23)Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (29)

10.) Checking out the Rialto Bridge

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (30) Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (31) Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (32)

It was super busy.

11.) Watching local artists 

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (34)

Get a glimpse of local life in Venice and peep in on an artist making the Venetian masks 

12.) Wander off to that bit across the water opposite San Marco Square… C’mon, you know you wondered how to get over to the cathedral there too!

Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (20)Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (19)Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (35) Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (36) Things to do on a long weekend in Venice! A photo diary... (37)

Read more: Best things to do in Venice

24 Best Things To Do In Venice

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