Despite heading to bed fairly late on my first night in the Maldives, the jet lag got the better of me and fight it as I tried, I just couldn’t go back to sleep and so I decided to head out on my bicycle to watch the sunrise.

 I literally jumped out of bed, in my PJs, with no cameras or phones and hopped on my bike. It was such a liberating feeling to just cycle around the island without a plan or destination – plus I never leave the house in my PJs!

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Eventually, it was time for breakfast and so, I went back to the room, showered, changed and got ready to eat everything in sight!

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And boy was there a lot of it too! Fresh fruits, delicious breakfast pastries, freshly cooked eggs (any way you want them) and a whole host of other breakfast foods! Suffice it to say, the Dusit Thani Maldives definitely know how to do breakfast!

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I went back and forth for seconds… thirds… fourths… and fifths, determined to try everything on offer!

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Breakfast over – we decided we’d do something we have no skills in whatsoever – play tennis. We rang up the butler who arranged the court, equipments and even provided ice cold refreshments to keep us cool in the Maldivian heat!

Now tennis is not such a bad idea when you’re holidays…except, I didn’t bring any tennis shoes… or shorts… or anything else you’d need to play tennis and so we decided a game of barefoot tennis was in order.

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Despite how serious I look, I think I spent the entire hour laughing my bum off at how awful we both were.

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Tennis over – it was time to go snorkelling! See, the thing about a place as beautiful as the Maldives is that it leaves you wanting to explore every inch of it! There’s quite a varied amount of activities to get up to in the Dusit Thani and restless feet meant that I wanted to see as much as possible of everything on offer!

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We headed over to the dive centre to get a quick intro on island snorkelling rules (where to go…etc) and although they have lots of snorkelling gear available here, we’d actually got ours before we left London (they’re quite cheap too – case in point here – UK peeps | US peeps).

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Snorkelling in the Maldives is unlike anywhere else in the world. The water is so pristine and clear and the diversity and amount of fish here are absolutely incredible!

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It’s also fairly easy to swim here but we decided to go the lazy way and get life jackets. Also partly because swimming with an underwater camera is such a hassle but mostly out of laziness.

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It’s so surreal seeing all these amazing fish and coral though the bit that took us by surprise here were the sharks! These sharks aren’t the dangerous ones (they’re interested in the fish not you) and are impressive to see up close. This one below is a baby one though we saw some that were up to 6 feet long!

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Eventually (spurred on by some tummy rumbling), we decided to leave the reef and go in search of lunch…

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… getting distracted by the views as we made our way through the island.

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We popped into the  reception for some reason I can’t remember anymore where we were promptly provided with cool towels (I honestly had no idea how amazing these were till we got here) and even cooler drinks.

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The next couple of hours was pretty much spent eating, drinking and trying to ‘look sexy’ while emerging from a pool. (Failed every single time!)

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With each new beach we found, I think I just fell in love with this island more and more!

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I even made a little friend here!

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This whole island life is so much harder than it looks! 😉 Tropical Island Life... In The Maldives (50)

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I’m trying to think back about what we did after lunch but I have absolutely no idea! I remember constantly doing something or the other but I have no idea what that ‘something was’ – that’s that island life for ya I guess. 🙂

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As the sun started to dip, we made our way over to another to the Sala Bar for another episode of sunsets and cocktails… Okay, fine we may have arrived too early for cocktails but I don’t believe there’s such a thing as ‘too early for cocktails’ – if you’re serving it, I’m drinking it!

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By dinner time, we were well and truly merry, surprisingly ravenous (considering how much we’d been eating all day) and ready to this all over again! 🙂

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