After our galavant the evening before, I thought it best to have a lie-in… one of those indulgent mornings where you just lay in bed and hoping that someone has already made you a brew before you open your eyes.

visiting Copenhagen-62

*P.S., That brew never came! 🙁

After a lazy minute (or 60, to be more precise), I figured it would be good to have a walk across the city and on a mission to grab a bite to eat for lunch, after all, I’d been saving my appetite all morning (granted, that was out of laziness but still…).

visiting Copenhagen-18

We’d popped into Torvehallerne on our first ever visit to Copenhagen and we had fond memories of all the amazing stalls inside, so it was a perfect place for us to grab a bite before our next port-of-call.

visiting Copenhagen-64

Once inside, we discovered Toro, a Spanish tapas restaurant with a Danish twist.

visiting Copenhagen-70

Michael ordered some freshly pan-fried octopus, whilst I stayed a little more conservative with my patatas fritas, calamari and aioli.

As you can imagine, for the rest of the day I scared every single vampire outta the city with my garlicky breath!

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After filling up on some delicious grub, we decided to shoot-off into town!

visiting Copenhagen-68

With bulging  tummies, we grappled with the idea of exploring the rest of the city or just chilling in the market itself. Thankfully, my conscience kicked in (to burn of the thousands of calories I’d just burned) and we set off on our jaunt across the city.

We started off at the Botanical Gardens, which I found by taking a wrong turn in my search for Nyhavn…

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visiting Copenhagen-73

How To Spend 48 Hours In Copenhagen (61)

One place we didn’t manage to see on our previous visit to Copenhagen (see here) was Rosenborg Castle and with a little persuasion, I managed to prise Michael away from his beer and tapas for our early afternoon jaunt.

How To Spend 48 Hours In Copenhagen (62)

After our 20-minute stroll, we arrived at Rosenborg Castle and quickly realising what a mistake it was to not visit during our last time in the city! *Cue shame belling ringing from Game Of Thrones*.

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Although the castle is spectacularly beautiful, lots of its treasures and charm is actually hidden inside!

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With intricate designs, marbled floor and crafted wood, this castle was definitely fit for royalty…

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The stately rooms were incredible!

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And they seemed to have a room for EVERY occasion…

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Including a room filled with mirrors (up, down and all over the walls) to see every angle of ones outfit!

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After our little nose around inside, we decided to head below the recesses of the castle itself and try to spot some Crown Jewels.

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…and to top it off – they had a pretty incredible crown jewels collection that you can see in the vault too.

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You actually have to walk through the vault’s thick steel door to get in,

visiting Copenhagen-90 It’s, literally, as if you’ve just plonked yourself in a giant safe with invaluable pieces of world-class jewels…

…they were stunning.

Unfortunately, none of the guards would let me try them on for a photo 😉 so we headed out up to see a little more of the beautiful rooms inside…

visiting Copenhagen-82…before finally leaving in search of colourful Nyhavn.

Read more: Best things to do in Copenhagen

16 Best Things To Do In Copenhagen

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